March 24, 2003


Wildfeed Recap

Hercules Review

Leoff's Wildfeed (not complete just yet)

Dori's SpikeFeed

Stiney's Wildfeed at Demens

Just a note on the Wildfeed. It does appear that there have been what could be significant changes from the first summaries we have seen. According to both Herc and Stiney, the references Giles makes to killing Ben (and Buffy's decision not to sacrifice Dawn) have been removed. There are also a few other minor changes, which do seem to change the tone a bit. So even though certain spoilers are going to end up being 'Confirmed False', I don't feel that the sources themselves are providing false information. Much like the Kitty Fantastico reference that was pulled from 'Bring On The Night', it's just changes between the shooting script and the final product.

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