January 18, 2003

Random Thoughts

Yada Yada Yada

Not much in news, but there's a number of things that I can cover.

First, there is a location shoot report that is going around. The shoot was reported to be at the location used for some of the Summer's House scenes, and shots were heard.

BBOvenGuy wrote to let me know that he doesn't believe this is correct, as there was no shoot scheduled for that location. Updated: He also wrote me again to clarify (Thanks BB), the actual location mentioned isn't anywhere near the location of the actual Summer's home. It has been used in the past for 'Buffy', but there was no shoot sheduled for 'Buffy', but it appears there may have been a shoot for 'The Agency'.

I wasn't too concerned, as it might have been something related to Episode 13. Certainly, nobody is going to die anytime soon (or at least from gunfire). I'd also question what really qualifies as a 'shot', as in reality gunshots are usually added in post-production.


I've activated the links for the Wildfeed for 'Potential', which is a good thing. Especially in light of the fact that I won't be seeing the new episode until a week from Sunday (basketball).


Have a couple of pictures to pass along.

The first is Ashanti, in her role for 'First Date', which is up at MTV.com

The second is a group of pictures from the Buffy set, that was posted at TV Barn (thanks to Simon for the link).

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