November 28, 2002

Episode 12 Spoilage

Short Break

This was not how I expected to spend my day off...

I see that news is out on Episode 12, as apparently sides for the demon that the show was looking to cast have become available and have started popping up on various spoiler boards. As always, I can't post links or dialogue. But the general gist is as follows.

Episode 12: Potential

Spike is no longer 'Missing In Action', as he and Buffy visit a local demon bar with what I presume to be the four remaining SIT's (Kennedy, Molly, Rona and Vi).

There's a brief verbal exchange in the bar between Spike and the aforementioned demon, where Spike warns him off.

The big news doesn't involve Spike, but rather Dawn. It would seem that Dawn has just discovered that she is a Slayer Candidate, and is having a hard time dealing with the news.

It's all legit from what I can tell, I have no reason to doubt it. At the least, the additional Slayer names fit with what I had heard before, but I only had secondary confirm on Molly and Kennedy before this. The fact that there are only four SIT's that accompany Buffy, but there were five at the location shoot, would indicate that one of the SIT's in Episode 12 is discovered to be a wolf in SIT's clothing (but may just be another victim of the UberVamp).

Back to the day off, will update the page tomorrow.

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