August 22, 2002

More Pictures, Spoilers Soon?


Some more pictures were released for 'Lessons'. They haven't appeared at Comics Continuum yet, but if you have registered for Fan Forum, Fraz has posted them to the Buffy/Spike Spoiler thread.

Nothing really spoilery. Just a picture of Giles standing in the English countryside, and one of Buffy and Dawn. There will probably be two more posted later tonight, one which features a single shot of Buffy and the other a picture of Buffy and Xander (at the school's construction site).

Stay Tuned

I've recently gotten some new spoilage, but it's from an untested source. I'm currently doing some research, but it's likely that I'll be posting it in tomorrow's update. I was going to try and get it out tonight, but there's a fair bit to cover. The problem is that it's not one of my 'industry sources', so I'm a bit wary about posting spoilage that hasn't appeared elsewhere.

The reason I'm probably going to post it, is that it fits 'rumors' that I've been hearing from reliable sources. The trick is going to be in the wording.

On a similar note, I'm strongly considering trashing the ranking of specific Spoiler Sites. The spoilers themselves will still be attributed to the source and ranked, but I'm not going to keep a running total of how many spoilers a site has posted, and how many of those were correct. I think by now we've all got a good feel for the accurate sources, and I'll still list those sites I trust as some of the 'Chosen Few'.

But let your opinion be known. I'm currently running a poll to see if you think it's a good idea to drop the 'Spoiler Site Ranking'.

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