August 20, 2002

Buy Stuff

Spoiler Slayer Spam

Still no news, but I do want to pass along a couple of items which have recently caught my attention.

First, Rounder Records has posted an actual cover to the Buffy 'Once More With Feeling' CD. Still wish this was available at Amazon so I could drop it into the Slayer Shop, but for now here's the link again.

Two items I can put in the store (but haven't yet), are available at

Dori, who does the Spikefeed's for Tabula Rasa, has written a Buffy Book called 'These Our Actors'. Hmm, wonder if there's going to be much Spike in it.

Also, Adam Busch's band - 'Common Rotation' has their album available through (but no 'Ghost of the Robot' CD's).

Okay, I'm down hawking for today. If only spoilers were as easy to locate.

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