August 18, 2002

Bogus Spoilage, Ronnie, Season Premiere, Bogus Titles

It's catch-all Sunday, since there's nothing new in the way of news. So once again, I'll take this time to cover a few topics which might be of interest.

Pain In My Butt

According to several e-mails I've received, it appears that the spoilage for Episode 3/4 that was posted a few days ago is bogus. While on one hand it's easy to weed out the obviously false spoilers (like Adam Sandler appearing in the series this season), it's much harder when the spoilers are based around core facts. That's pretty much the case in this instance, as the spoilers do a pretty good job of matching what little info is out there regarding Episode Three. The two bits that set off a few bells was the Title and the reference that Buffy has a run-in with soul-Spike before going off to save Willow. But, titles can change and it's hard to determine accuracy when everyone is basing all of their information on two pages of script.

Anyway, the spoilers are ranked 'Possible', but they might be downgraded.

As an aside, I do still believe that Buffy, Xander, and Dawn will be a tight-knit group at the beginning of the season. There's a lot of solid spoilage that seems to back that up, and I would bet money that the first portion of the season will be the Scoobies on the outside (Spike, Willow, and Anya) getting reintegrated into the group. Before all the fans of Buffy/Xander get too excited, I'm still firmly convinced that we will never see that happen during the course of the show. It just happened to work out that way.

The Worm Turns

I had a couple of readers write with possible ways that Ronnie could be both a worm-demon and cursed by Anya. Much like Olaf, Ronnie could have been cursed long ago by Anyanka. However, I think WiseWoman put it best when she wrote in with her thoughts on whether Hercules or The Oracle was right about Ronnie's condition.

I recall an earlier report that Spike strikes Wormie just as he changes back into Ronnie, and Spike's chip is activated. If Ronnie had actually been Wormie all along, surely Spike would be able to fight him, even if he were in human guise? It looks as if Anya "wish-wormed" him, then was convinced to turn him human again just as Spike struck him (typical bad Spike luck!).
Which is something I completely overlooked. If Ronnie was some type of worm-demon, then morphing between human and demon form shouldn't change the effect on Spike's chip. Ronnie would still be a demon, just as Anya is earlier in the episode. Which means that it's more likely that Ronnie is cursed and becomes a worm demon, and then reverts to human form right as Spike is hitting him.

One Hour Or Two

I've been getting several e-mail a week, wondering if the Season Premiere is going to be one episode or two. It will be one hour, followed by the Season Premiere of 'Haunted'.

It's All About Spike

A certain site (which I can't list or link to, because it contains copyrighted material), has posted the Titles for the series through Episode Eight. The new titles are as follows...

7.4 - The Naked Time 7.5 - Soul Man 7.6 - Chips Ahoy 7.7 - Doctor Who 7.8 - Dude, Where's My Pants
Spoilage like this is easy to confirm as false. It supposedly originated as a joke listing by a fan. The good news is that we might hear about the title to Episode Four sometime this week.

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