August 13, 2002

Wanda, Herc, Washington Post

Hanging By A Thread

The archive of Wanda's chat is up. It covers most of the bases, although I'm curious as to her claim that the 'Gnarl' will leave Dawn suspended in mid-air. Doesn't fit the info I have which only indicated that she would be paralyzed in an awkward position. Maybe that's how she is when the Scoobies find her, but later in the scene they position her on the couch.

Wanda also mentions that Harry Groener will return, he played the Mayor in Season Three. As mentioned earlier this week, I think we're going to see a number of 'Big and Little Bads' from the past return.

Demon Lover

Herc posted a brief recap of what we know for the first three episodes at Aint It Cool News. What I found interesting was his comment that in Episode Two, Ronnie will be a shapeshifting demon before Nancy breaks up with him. Or at least that's what I took from what he said. Although what I've seen certainly hints that Anya is back in the wish business and causing havoc, another check of the information reveals that it's not ever said that this is what causes Ronnie to turn into Wormie. It could be a classic-ME misdirection, where we are led to think that Anya's back in the wish business, but in actuality Ronnie's been Wormie all along.

Letters, We Get Letters

Since many have emailed me about it, I'm including this link to an article on Spike which was published in the Washington Post. Enjoy.

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