August 07, 2002

Oracle, Leoff, Wanda, Joss, Herc

Lot's of stuff to cover, so I'm going to keep the comments brief.
The Oracle Speaks

The Oracle posted further spoilers for Episode Two at the Cross and Stake Message Board.

NEW - Anya senses Spike's new soul and Buffy finds out for herself from Spike.

UPDATED - The title is in reference to the monster of the week, a giant "Tremors"-like worm that stalks his old girlfriend. Anya's responsible for turning the man into a worm after the girlfriend wished it.

NEW - In light of the events of last season, Buffy remains mature and strong when she encounters Spike. (In other words, she doesn't show interest in returning to anything they had last season, but she doesn't shun him away either. In this episode, there are no new developments on exactly what will happen between them, if anything. So stay calm or I'll stick to spoilage about other characters.)

These are listed as 'possible' spoilers, but I can confirm that some of the Spike rumors I mentioned yesterday fit these new spoilers. I'll be updating the Spoiler Slayer page accordingly.

Location Shoot Pictures

Leoff has provided webspace for pictures from the location shoot which took place at the new Sunnydale High. Which now allows me to confirm a number of spoilers. We now have what can be termed 'official' confirmation of some of the basic info for Episode One.


The archive of Wanda's chat has been posted at E! Online. Although it's covers the usual topics, Wanda does claim that Willow will be returning from England in Episode Three. Based on the information that I have seen for Episode Two, I have a feeling that it makes much more sense for Willow to return then. Which means that Willow will likely leave England in Episode Two, but not reappear in Sunnydale until Episode Three.

Joss Interview

There is an extensive interview with Joss at SciFi Wire. It's mainly 'Firefly' related, but there is some Buffy discussion as well.


There is a brief update at Aint It Cool from Hercules, which mentions that the actor who played Adam will also return in Season Seven. This was covered by TV Guide yesterday, but I should mention that all of this information is being covered under the "Big Bad's Return" spoiler on the Spoiler Slayer page.

Am I forgetting anything...

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