June 15, 2002

The Master Returns?

This Guy Has More Lives Than A Cat

Herc is posting information on a possible 'Big Bad' for Season Seven, with it being none other than Mark Metcalf (The Master). Let it also be known that I didn't hear it first from Herc, but I too received an e-mail with similar information.

It's really hard to say if this means the Master will be returning as a 'Big Bad'. He has made numerous cameos throughout the various Seasons, so it wouldn't be a surprise to see him again. Although I certainly agree with Herc's assessment that it certainly would fit some of the info we've been hearing, but it could be misdirection as well.

Speaking of people who may be appearing in Season Seven, supposedly Joss made statements at the Saturn Awards which indicate that Britney Spears will not be appearing in Season Seven. I haven't heard them personally, but I never really expected the rumors to be true in the first place.

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