March 21, 2002

AM Update - More Cross and Stake

And A Bit More

A few more follow-up posts and a rewording of another spoiler were posted by Angel X at the Cross and Stake.

Spike/Africa Spoiler:

UPDATED! Spike shows up in Africa where he puts his life on the line to be returned to the demon he was before the chip. He meets with a demon and confidently agrees to take on whatever challenges the demon offers as long as he gets what he asked for in the case that he wins. (I reworded this as a safety measure after re-reading some of my material. Since the material I have doesn't make it *perfectly* clear that Spike specifically wants the chip out or that he'll get it out if he wins, I just want to make sure I'm not misleading anyone on the basis of some non-specific lines and unclear "all powerful" demon speak. It's possible that Spike will be returned to his former demon without the chip being removed... I can't say for sure. I doubt it, but better safe than sorry.)

Board Posts:

Re: Does Buffy leave Dawn with Clem?

Re: Whether the whole gang rushes to the Magic Box after viewing the video...
Not the whole gang. Just Xander and Buffy.

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