March 02, 2002

PM Update - Episode 19 Spoilers, Wanda

Before I get into the meat of this post, you may have noticed a slight change to the Spoilery Speculation page. There has been a problem with people confusing my comments with the posts from various boards. This has been happening since the site came into being, but there was some who were attributing the Spike Spoilage to me. Which is not the case. Remember, I will never post spoilage that has not appeared elsewhere (unless it's specifically to confirm or deny other spoilage).

I did some tweaking, and the quoted sections should now appear on a black background (like so). Hopefully that will solve the problem.
My Spidey Sense Is Tingling

Random Person, who posted the Spoilers a few days ago about Episode 18 (the ones that had Buffy casting disinvites to keep Spike out of her life), has now posted information on Episode 19 at the Cross and Stake Spoiler Board. Which again doesn't exactly match what I've been hearing (nor what has been rumored for Episode 18 - which is where it looks that Willow and Tara will reconcile). Also, the information that was included for episode 18 in this batch, doesn't really fit. Buffy already knows that the Troika (or at least strongly suspects) is behind all the weird happenings in Sunnydale. Willow did find the van after all. It should also be pointed out that the Troika story will likely not be resolved until Episode 21 at the earliest, and that Katrina's death has already been ruled a suicide.

I'm not going to add these to the Spoiler Slayer page just yet, I'll wait to see how many boards pick up on them. That's the problem with newer sources, until they prove their accuracy, it's really hard to judge sometimes. However, I think that there is simply too much information being passed along for these two episodes. Too many storylines to juggle in under an hour. You also have to question the fact that while this source has detailed information for Episode 18 and 19, they have passed along none for Episode 17 (which we have very little to actually work with, aside from the TV Guide description).

Episode 18

Buffy finds out the location of the Troika from one of Tara's spells

Buffy discovers that they robbed all of the banks and caused havoc on Sunnydale

Episode 19

- Written by Steven DeKnight
- The Troika move into the next stage of their biggest plan ever.
- Buffy and the gang crash the party resulting in a battle
- The Troika summon a demon to battle Buffy
- Xander saves Anya from a demon summoned by the Troika
- Anya seems to think Xander might still love her
- Tara and Willow FINALLY discuss a relationship and decide to take things slowly (suggested by Tara)
- Spike joins the battle and saves the group from the Troika's demon
- The Troika are taken to jail for the murder of Katrina, and robbery

Would You Like To Take A Survey?

Wanda has a multiple-question poll in place, asking the fans to vote for the resolutions to certain storylines. One of the questions is who you think the 'Big Scooby Death' is going to be. Note: The answers don't seem to be entirely random. What I would expect to be the most popular choice is the first in every section. It's also curious that every question but the Buffy one has the option of 'neither' or 'none of the above'.

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