February 27, 2002

PM Update - Wanda, Old Spoilers

Tomorrow On Buffy...

I neglected to mention Wanda's Monday Chat, and most of her spoilers no longer fall into that category (at least if you've seen the latest episode). She's still standing by the 'Big Scooby Death' rumor, though again she's hinting that it will not be Tara. Twice she's been asked, and both times she's pointed the finger in a different direction.

Old Spoilers Never Die

Herc dropped me a line, asking about the 'Confirmed False' for the spoiler for Episode Eight, which actually ended up becoming 'Normal Again'. It's kind of a slippery slope, although it is obvious that the episode was moved to a later date. It is the only spoiler that he's been incorrect about this season so far, but it technically isn't his fault. The trouble is that it opens up the door for other sites to claim that the spoilers they had were for episodes that were shifted. For example, Riley did come back after all. But it wasn't in the context of Spike and Riley battling for Buffy's love, which was where the entire three-episode "Riley - Spike - Buffy Triangle" spoiler first appeared. I'm going to sleep on it and try to come up with solution that will be fair. I'm leaning towards just pulling it from the overall scoring, but leaving it in the listing. I should come up with something by tomorrow.

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