February 25, 2002

AM Update - Leoff's Wildfeed and Herc's Review, TV Guide

Summaries Are Up

Leoff has posted his Wildfeed Summary for 'As You Were', Herc's review is also up at Ain't It Cool News.

Poor Spike, it appears his crypt gets trashed after all.

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TV Guide is mocking me, as the only description I'm getting for the March 12th episode of Buffy is the generic series description. I was hoping to be able to confirm or deny the March 12th airdate and description for 'Normal Again', but as of yet I can't.

However, I have been doing some number crunching and it wouldn't be that strange in terms of scheduling. Angel is going to be on hiatus for five weeks, so if there was a new Buffy on the 12th and they then aired repeats for the same amount of time, it would have the show back in time to finish on May 21st (which is the traditional, week before Memorial Day, wrap date).

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