February 08, 2002

AM Update - Angel Information, Waiting for DeKnight, Wanda Quiz

In a Reuters article discussing the final season of 'Felicity' (sniff), there was this ominous passage at the bottom.

To make room for "Felicity's'' return to the lineup, original episodes of rookie drama "Glory Days,'' which currently occupies the Wednesday 9 p.m. time slot, will move to Mondays at 9 starting March 11. "Angel'' will leave Mondays for five weeks rather than going into repeats.
I was hoping to link to the archive of Steven DeKnight's visit to the Bronze yesterday, but the site seems to be unavailable currently. I'll post it tonight when it's up, not that there was anything that could be considered spoilery.

Also, Wanda's at it again, with yet another Spoiler game. At least this time we know in advance that they are all supposedly 'true', and the Buffy one is pretty easy to spot.

7. This soul sister is playing tonsil hockey with one guy but still harboring feelings for another. He returns to town--and she learns he's married.

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