February 05, 2002

AM Update - Angel X Spoiler, More From Sweetie

Angel X posted at the Kitten Board, disputing the spoiler that Spike is invited to the party by Dawn.

Dawn's not the one who gets Spike to the party. He hears about it from a certain someone this board favors, and she's not a blond (obvious enough for you?). And Spike brings more to the party than just beer, he brings Clem! (Flabby skin demon from Kitten Poker.) I say this only because Clem and Tara exchange words and play poker (minus the kittens!) with Spike at the party.
She's referring to Willow, and although there is conflicting info, Sweetie's newest tidbit does fit the above. I'm also posting her original spoiler (since I didn't have a chance last night).
'Older and Far Away'

- Dawn invites Spike to the party, although Buffy does not want him there. There is an actual scene where Dawn invites him - it's not just implied.

- Spike does not get Buffy a birthday present, but he does bring beer.

Additional info for 'As You Were'

- Spike does something to Riley that forces Buffy to break up with him.

I'll add them to the page later today.

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