January 13, 2002

AM Update Just a couple

AM Update

Just a couple of tidbits this morning.

First is some spoilage I found at Fan Forum, which supposedly was posted on the SlayerGirl site. However, I couldn't find it the original copy, which is why there is no link. This has all the markings of manufactured spoilage, based on those that we've already heard. The problem is that mixed in with the ones that do make sense, like Xander and Anya bringing one of his work buddies (where else would they find a guy?), are those that are obviously false. Like the Giles spoiler, when we know that while this episode was being filmed in December, ASH was doing interviews in England where he said he was 'waiting for the call' to return to the show. There is no indication that Buffy knows that she wasn't behind Katrina's death at this time, and the issues with Dawn are supposed to be wrapped up in the Birthday episode. I'd also say that judging from what I've seen of the wedding script, the Scoobies are still unaware of what transpired between Buffy and Spike.

"Older and Far Away" - Giles returns finally for this episode!!! - Xander and Anya play matchmaker and invite one of Xander's work buddies to Buffy's Birthday bash - Buffy discovers she didn't kill Katrina, but now the three geeks make it look like Spie did. - Buffy gets very angry with Spike and they have it out fighting in her house, as the guests watch it unfold. - Buffy accidently blurts everything out about how he used her for sex, when she wasn't the one who killed Katrina!! - Everyone is astonished by this, and to make matters worse Dawn's neglect spell goes into effect, and everyone is locked in the Summers House - By the end of this episode, the spell breaks, Dawn's stealing habbits are found out, the gang knows about Buffy and Spike's "relationship", and Buffy and Spike go at it again..... only ontop of the roof and not fighting, but having sex

"As You Were" (title subject to change)
- Riley DOES return in this episode, NOT married, but engaged, and going to marry very soon
- Riley tells Buffy he wants to make up for the past, and at least be friends and invites her to the wedding, along with Xader, Anya, Willow, and Tara
- Buffy is very jealous of Riley and his new love
- Dawn seems to still get very little attention, and is furious by this. She tells Riley all the details on Buffy and Spike having sex.
- Riley doesn't buy it, but follows Buffy at night, ad watches as she takes out her outrage on spike, they have sex in a cemetary and both Riley and Dawn sees it.

One other bit, which I didn't mention yesterday. While I'm not sure that the "I can't believe it's not Xander-demon" is actually D'Hoffryn in disguise (as I've seen mentioned elsewhere), I would imagine that it's goal is to get Anya to become a Vengeance Demon again. Knowing her past, what do you think would happen if Xander mysteriously skipped the wedding?

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