November 21, 2001

The preview for 'Wrecked' is

The preview for 'Wrecked' is up at It is different from last night's preview, and opens another can of worms on Buffy/Spike. From the shots from yesterday's preview, the Morning After would appear to happen in the wreckage of the building. However, in this new preview, we have a very naked Spike, sitting in his bed talking to Buffy. Who just happens to be wearing a different outfit (end of the episode outfit from what I can tell). From what I can hash out, this would be the sequence of events.

Episode opens on the Morning After (last night's preview)
The next evening is when Amy and Willow go out again, to visit the warlock (both previews)
She comes home that night all wasted, which is when she's talking to Buffy about what happened in the bedroom (Comics Continuum)
Buffy goes to see Spike, and he's in bed, which is where he tells her that this warlock is not good (new preview)
Spike gets dressed and he and Buffy have the conversation (next time, I might bite you) (last night's preview)
Willow goes back to the Warlock, alone. Which is when she gets really wiggy with Dawn (both previews)
The only other thing we know is that's when Dawn is injured (she's wearing the same sweater), the pictures on CC seems to be an outside shot.

So I'm thinking that Dawn or Willow might be driving somewhere (like to the hospital or the Magic Box), and that's when the rumored car accident happens. While Dawn would seem to be alright, if there is an accident, what about the other car? I keep thinking the last time someone on the show kind of explored their dark side (Buffy in 'Bad Girls' - and yes, I know she wasn't the one who did it), and what happened then to an innocent bystander (well kinda).

Who happened to be the person that a certain Buffy story editor was trying to recall a few nights back. Steven DeKnight says it was for an animated pitch, but I do wonder if that might be a certain amount of CYA.

But then again, I could just be trying to read too much into it.

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