October 31, 2001

Some quick news. Jen posted

Some quick news. Jen posted over at FanForum the following. Hope it will help some of the Buffy/Spike fans lessen their concern over what's going to happen in 'Killing Chronos'. The original comments were talked about here, this is what she had to say today.

The bad B/S scene IS from Episode 9 and Buffy IS posessed by the demon at the time she says all those horrible things. Which is why Spike's chip is delayed... Buffy's not entirely human. And as you know, the next scene is Spike trying to bite the girl, and sadly that scene is true. No demon posession there, besides his own. But I will tell you that there's a very good scene towards the end! I wish I could tell you!
Not to toot my own horn (but I'm going to anyway), this is what I had to say after she first posted the dialogue.

The delayed reaction with the chip also could make sense. If Buffy is possessed by a demon (like the spoilers say), then that could cause a delay maybe

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