October 23, 2001

Some minor spoilage floating about...

Some minor spoilage floating about...

There is a Spike promo for the musical, the lines he is supposedly singing are...

Let me rest in peace
Let me get some sleep
Let me take my love and bury it

Jen at Fanforum.com also dropped in with some more spoilery stuff, she believes that it's from Tabula Rasa. As usual, I'm going to post it since I don't know if the link will work if you aren't registered with them.

General info:

-There's a scene where Dawn is lying in bed and Willow opens her door to come wake her up.

-Also, Willow standing in front of a desk with papers, and Willow sitting in front of a rat cage.

-Amy has officially been de-ratted. She's sitting on the bed (almost exactly like 'Something Blue') looking really scared and frightened.

Spike stuff:

-Spike walks out of an alley and looks onto a Sunnydale street (in front of 'Sun Cinema') and looks at all the people walking through the town... he spots a girl walking into the alley. She's walking down the alley, and he jumps in front of her. She kind of walks the other way and he jumps in front of her again. Very cat-and-mouse like. He paces in front of her, talking to her for a minute (very Season 2... looks hungry), then lunges in to bite her. He then jumps back in pain from the chip. She takes the chance to run away.

She's worried that since the scenes are from the same episode, that Spike might be trying to return to his evil ways.

From what I can tell (and I wrote about this on the FanForum board as well), this really looks to be after 'Tabula Rasa'. If the Willow/Tara breakup happens, it's going to leave Willow with a lot of time on her hands. The scenes mentioned are Willow alone, no sign of Tara. If she's depressed, she could be trying to keep herself busy, and de-ratting Amy is certainly a good weekend project. The episode title fits as well 'Killing Chronos'. Amy's been doing nothing but, and on further reflection that would fit with what's going on with Willow as well. Besides, if everyone has amnesia, they wouldn't remember their powers or the fact that Amy was a rat. So I'm banking that this is from Drew's first episode.

I'm going to wait until after I watch tonight's episode before I add these to the Spoiler Slayer. Mainly because I have to figure out where I want to put them, and exactly how this will affect the other spoilers. I'm going to have to consider what to do about the Buffy/Spike and Willow/Tara spoilers. Certainly the Willow/Tara breakup looks to be more certain. Now, I'm suddenly questioning what's going to happen between Spike and Buffy in the Musical. My personal feeling is that episode Nine might be a 'I need my space' episode. After the events of the previous two episodes, I think the characters might go their seperate ways to consider their feelings and future. Which means that we could have Tara, Buffy, and maybe Xander all off trying to figure out where their relationships are going, while Willow, Spike, and Anya wait to find out what they've decided. I could be wrong, but that's the feeling that I'm getting (and it fits with the arc).

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