August 24, 2001

Welcome to the Whiteboard, which

Welcome to the Whiteboard, which seems to be working without any problems. I know the Blogger side of the board wouldn't be an issue, it was more what would happen with the comments system. I had been kicking around this idea for a while, for two reasons. First, I wanted to be able to elaborate further on things I might mention in the Spoiler Slayer. My intention is to keep that page as streamlined as possible, so most of the analysis and speculation that I do will be done here. Over the next week, I'll be working on doing just that. Instead of going into detail, the Spoilers will be marked Confirmed, Confirmed False, Possible, Iffy, Doubtful, etc. That in turn will link to the actual speculation, reasoning, verified source, etc. Trust me, it will all make sense, and allow for quicker browsing of the Spoilers. You can take my word for it, or if you want to know more you can click on the link. It will be up to you.

Second, I wanted to be able to let you get in on the act. I didn't really want to go the messageboard/forum route. That can be time-consuming in many ways, plus it's another area to watch over. Using the comments function on this page, you can interact. However, the topics of discussion are more limited than on a messageboard/forum. If it gets out of hand, I can always disable the ability to comment and still maintain the actual Whiteboard.

Finally, there is one other reason for streamlining the Spoiler Slayer, though it's in the early planning stages now. If all goes as planned, I'm going to convert the spoilers over to a XML system, which will give me more flexibility over layout, display, etc. It will also open up the possibility of other means of delivery, such as over Cellphones, Update Notification, and even a way you could plug the Spoilers into your own page (kind of like the Slashboxes on Slashdot). That's a bit off in the future though.

Anyway, it's been a good week for some confirmation. Although it got off to a rocky start with a false script for episode 1 making the rounds, confirmation on Spike's awareness of Buffy's return came from a Shooting Location report, and Emma confirmed that rumors of her departure midseason were false. Have to see what shakes loose this weekend, especially if they have finished filming the first two episodes. Most of the leaks start coming when the film hits post-production, when the SFX, Audio, and Titling crews go to work. With the premiere rapidly approaching, I think we'll start seeing solid information in the next two weeks. Then again, that's just about the time that the false-spoiler folks get to work as well. Summer is almost over...

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