July 17, 2003

Major Angel Spoilers

A major casting call has gone out for the first episode of 'Angel'. Filmjerk is reporting on this and it's being discussed on various boards. I can provide at least a solid confirm that what everyone is hearing is accurate. There's a lot of information available, but I'll try to summarize as well as I can here (note: I'm doing this while at work, so there may be some tweaking later on with the details) The main gist of the episode seems to revolve around one of Wolfram and Hart's old clients, who is on trial. They are threatening to destroy the city (apparently he has a young child who is essentially a giant magical vessel) if he's convicted. Some of the tidbits from the episode.

- Angel is out on night patrol in the opening scene. He rescues a young woman, only to discover that Wolfram and Hart is keeping tabs on him. It seems he has a Special Ops detail led by a man called Hauser, who are planting tracers/bugs on Angel when he's in the field. Not only that, but a team of lawyers also travels with the Ops team, to take care of any legal issues.

- In order to get a feel for the staff of Wolfram and Hart, Lorne is conducting interviews with the employees. You could almost call them auditions, as they have to sing for Lorne so he can get a read on them.

- One of the Wolfram and Hart doctors wants a closer look at Gunn, because of his experience in the White Room. The doctor refers to the creature in the White Room as 'The Conduit'. Gunn is subjected to some pretty intense tests.

- There have been a few minor changes to the original Eve scene. She does not refer to Lilah, nor mention that she won't be seen again. In addition, Fred is not in the office when the initial exchange with Eve takes place.

- Harmony not only is in this episode, but seems to be part of either Angel's or, and this is more likely, Wolfram and Hart's staff

- Angel has to force some info out of your usual wacky demon, who's name Spanky. Which is also his occupation. - Angel wants to neutralize the child/vessel by isolating or preventing the trigger from being activated. Hauser's team has different ideas. Angel's solution is to fire the Special Ops team, theirs is to kill Angel

- The show has taken on what I can only describe as a definite 'Alias' feel. Flashy cars, helicopters, special ops teams. If Harmony starts going undercover wearing cool wigs and skimpy outfits, maybe we should call it 'Angelias'.

(thanks again to T for providing the confirm)
As for Spike, he's nowhere to be found. But I have a feeling like last seasons Buffy, he'll probably make at least a cameo in the final scene.

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