July 19, 2003

What Is The Tru(th)

Normally I don't like posting information that I can't confirm independently, but I've gotten word from one of my sources on yet another possible twist to the casting of 'Tru Calling'. It says a lot about the source that I'm even willing to mention it at this point, but they have yet to provide any info that wasn't close to the mark, and they do hope to follow-up with more info this week. The source reports that they've heard that there may be yet another possible love interest added to the mix, one who would be closer to Tru's age (versus Mark Evans) and personality. Even more interesting is that this person may be someone that Tru actually saves early on in the series.

Even though they are fairly confident, the information is sketchy and with all the changes that have already happened, nothing can be guaranteed. There will be a screening of the pilot at Comic Con tomorrow, which Eliza will be hosting along with some of the other cast. It will be interesting to see what turns up.

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