July 20, 2003

Herc Talks Angel

Hercules has recapped most of the 'Angel' news from the past week at Ain't It Cool News. There is one bit of new information.

The original casting sheet for 'Eve' had seemed to indicate that the title of the episode would be the same. The actual episode title will likely be 'Conviction'.

No other really big news from Comic Con, but I should point out that the WB also had another promo poster featuring just Angel. However, I still feel that at least the first half of the season will feature Angel and Spike prominently. I think that the lack of a female lead, the drive for standalone episodes, the desire to win over fans of Buffy, and the likely tension between Angel and Spike, will be the reason behind this. Whether or not that is the case for the entire season, will likely remain unanswered for at least the immediate future.

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