July 23, 2003

Tru Calling On Fire

Spoiled Rotten has posted some information about 'Tru Calling', apparently info from either episode 2 or 3. Although I have not gotten confirmation, I believe that this is what my source may have been referring to earlier this weekend. However, if it is, they're information might be a bit off. The episode is called 'Putting Out Fires' and that seems to be the theme of this episode. The death in the episode is a young fireman named 'Nick', who dies while rescuing a family. There is a lot of chemistry between Tru and Nick, and it's played for full effect.

Tru and Nick track down what they think is the source of the fire (a gas leak). However, much like the first episode, Tru only thinks she has saved the day. She realizes, almost too late, that the fire is still going to happen because the super of the building is going to set it. As the time counts down and things heat up between Tru and Nick, she confesses that she can't get close to him because he's going to die.

Contrary to what my source thinks, I have a bad feeling that Nick is going to be one of those that she can't save. Because if she saves him, then the family will die.

Regardless, we now have three different guys that Tru is going to have 'chemistry' with in the first three episodes. However, with all the changes to the show thus far, who knows what the final outcome will be.

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