July 28, 2003

Angel 5.2 Casting

Chris at Filmjerk.com dropped me a line, letting me know that some of the first info for 'Angel - 5.2' has surfaced. At this time, the episode has no title, and I should also take a moment to address all the various false titles that have been floated. As with 'Buffy', I will not be posting titles unless I am reasonably sure about the source. Which means, the episode titles that have been floated for the first five episodes, are likely to be foilage (with the exception of 'Conviction').

Read further for the casting news.
Angel : In the second episode of the new season, which will be written by David Fury and directed by James A. Contner, we are introduced to four characters: Hainsley, a big, gregarious and amiable sort who can be really scary and is listed as a guest star; Novac, a late-20s associate at the law firm, who is described as "slick and a smartass"; a manserveant, a dapper gentleman who is described as "bald, thin, tall and lanky"; and a funny demon, with the casting notes saying that the actor will be fitted with light prosthetics on his hand and face. The latter three are listed as co-stars. The episode is untitled as of this writing and begins shooting on August 5.
Should be interesting to see how these characters will play out in the episode, especially since this episode is supposed to be all about Spike's arrival according to Joss.

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