May 08, 2003

Images Of The Finale Posted

Things are steadily coming to a close, and as if to offer further confirmation on the finale, pictures have been released. Although they are not themselves too spoilery, they do confirm at least bits of the script. Two days worth of images are up at Comics Continuum

For example, there's a big yellow schoolbus (purported to be in the final scene), Buffy and Angel's not completely platonic reunion, Buffy looks to have been run through with a sword at some point, and Andrew and Xander look more than a bit shell-shocked.

Also, seeing as how the final scene takes place in the blazing sun, it pretty much means that Spike will perish/vanish instead of escaping with the rest (unless he's under a blanket in the back of the bus).

They've appeared in many places, but Comic's Continuum has posted them all in both thumbnail and full-size.



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