April 23, 2003

Herc, Holly

Angel Update

Herc is reporting at Ain't It Cool News that reports are starting to come out that 'Angel' may have been renewed. Although official word has not come out, I have never really considered 'Angel' to be in real danger of not being renewed.

Whether or not any of the Buffy regulars make a trip to Los Angeles has yet to be determined.

Put Another Stake On The Barbie

An Australian actress, who seems to be following the Kylie Minogue formula, is supposedly going to be the next Buffy. Certain UK and Australian news outlets are reporting that Holly Valance (she's an Australian TV/Pop star) will be the next Buffy.

Of course, every report I've seen is riddled with inaccuracies. Like one which inferred that Angel was still a part of the show, while another quoted a UPN source as saying that she was approached and is interested (why not an ME or Fox source, who would likely have the most say in the decision).

Sounds to me as if someone's agent is trying to get their client a bit of publicity, by floating a rumor that is bound to get quite a bit of press with all the media attention that will be on the Buffy finale.

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