February 25, 2003


Unfortunately, neither Dori's Spikefeed or Loey's Early-Bird review have been posted yet. So I won't have links for those this week.

Faith No More

It appears that any possibility of a Faith spin-off is looking very doubtful at this point. It was reported today that Eliza has signed on for another Fox pilot. Variety is reporting this, as well as other outlets. Herc has nice recap up at AintItCoolNews.com.

Which is a shame, as it certainly felt to me that this would have been the best direction for the show to go in. I also have to wonder about Eliza's decision, especially if an offer was made. With the way Fox has treated pilot projects in the past, wouldn't it make more sense to go with the show and character that have proven themselves. Not only for Eliza, but for Mutant Enemy as well. At this point, about the only other scenario would be having one of the current SIT's become the next Slayer. I know that a Spike spin-off would also be welcomed by some fans, but don't we already have a spin-off dealing with a souled vampire. Hmm, maybe they'll come up with something entirely new and different. How about, "Andrew, The Home Decorator".

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