January 09, 2003

Nothing To Report


Contrary to what will likely be popular belief, the lack of posting is not because I'm secluded with my copy of the Season Three DVD. The good news is that it will actually be arriving today via FedEx, the bad news is that I'm going to be staying late at work tonight so I won't be able to enjoy it immediately.

To be honest, there is absolutely nothing on the spoiler front. I have reports that filming has definitely started again, but nothing detailed enough to really qualify as spoilage (it involved Xander in a lumberyard, that's about it). Which should mean that we should start hearing things by next week at the latest.

In terms of information on Faith (and her involvement on that other show), I do know that more information has come out, but I hate to spoil those who are avoiding the Angel spoilers as I am (though I'm not having much luck on that front, as I'm obligated to keep an eye on Faith since she'll be crossing over at some point). I can point you to Spoiled Rotten for those looking for details.

Hopefully more tomorrow, and the weekend update will definitely be my thoughts on 'Showtime'.

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