December 16, 2002

Wildfeeds, Episode 13, Showtime

Wildfeed Wrap

Leoff's Wildfeed

Dori's Spikefeed

Laurie's Quiz

Laurie posted some more info at the Cross and Stake, dealing with Episode 13. Part of the information is in the form of a quiz, so I'll include a link for the thread. However, the non-quizzy spoilage is as follows.

Ep 13 is titled "The Killer in Me". It's written by Drew Z. Greenberg

There are three separate storylines involved -- one involving Willow, one involving Spike, and one involving Giles.

I can confirm the episode title, as a source passed that info along to me last week (but I was waiting for a secondary confirm). I don't have any reasons to doubt the storylines of the episode either.

As for the quiz questions, the answers may have appeared elsewhere...

Aphrodite Speaks

Aphrodite, a poster at Television Without Pity, posted the following info on Episode 13 which seems to fit with Laurie's quiz

- Willow is lured out by the s-i-t training and ends up in a bar with funny drinks, talking about how she knew she was gay and her relationship with Tara.

- Spike's chip is seriously malfunctioning and he is now chained to a bed (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) in Buffy's basement. She seems to be being very nice to him.

- Buffy is so concerned about Spike she calls Riley Finn to get info on the Initiative's chips. Very funny scene but someone please tell me Riley is not returning, or that if he is the UberVamp will kill him?

- Willow's guilt over Warren's death manifests itself in a very unusual condition;

- Amy the Rat returns to help out;

- Spike and Buffy go back to the source of the chip -- the initiative's headquarters -- with surprising results;
and finally --

- Buffy will finally have to make a choice about how much she trusts Spike.

Unfortunately, as much as I would like to be able to confirm some of this spoilage, I have to be honest. While most of the time I have bits of info on most of the episodes at this point, I've got little to nothing on Episode 13 (probably because one of my more talkative sources is currently on vacation in Mexico). But based on the limited info that I have come across, I would hazard a guess that these are probably 'Likely' spoilers.

Showtime's Time

I've heard that it's been reported by a few sites that 'Showtime' is scheduled to air January 7th. This is correct according to my own info, and we'll have either two-three weeks of repeats before we hit Sweeps.

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