December 06, 2002

Wanda, Shoot Report, Glenn Quinn

Some quick news bites, and you'll notice a major update to the Spoiler Slayer page sometime this evening.

Wanda And Wood

Wanda at E!Online posted an interview with D.B. Woodside. While brief, it is an interesting read.

Shoot Report

Spoiled Rotten has information from a location shoot up at the page, which details a graveyard scene that was shot last night. Essentially it involves Buffy, Dawn, and one of the SIT's battling a redheaded girl in the graveyard. If you scroll a bit further down the page, there are also pictures of the three first SIT's to arrive in Sunnydale.


While I normally try to stick to topics of spoilery interest, I would remiss if I didn't mention the passing of Glenn Quinn. The actor, who played 'Doyle' on the first season of 'Angel', passed alway earlier this week. For those who would like more information, you can visit the official Glenn Quinn site.

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