October 14, 2002

Wildfeeds, Amber Benson

Wildfeed Wrap


Herc's Review

Dori's Mini-Spikefeed

Couple More Comments On Amber/Tara

Since I did get a fair amount of e-mail on the subject...

Again, I can't really clarify where I stand on this spoiler/rumor. Writers have hinted that she would be back, spoiler sources have hinted that she both will and won't be back. I'm sitting the fence, with no real answers.

In the same respect, for those who wrote to point out that Tara is listed in the credits in the TV Guide summary for 'Selfless', I don't know if that means anything or not. It's not unusual for a mistake like that to slip through. However, it does seem strange that it's only that episode.

But again, your guess is as good as mine.

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