September 23, 2002

Wildfeeds, TV Guide

Just a note: I'm playing around with the update schedule. I'm trying to find a time that will work best for regularly updating the page. The current test is going to be having the update appear sometime around Midnight Eastern for the upcoming day. I have a feeling it might be better to collect all the days news at once. This of course will be subject to change.

Take Your Pick

Multiple Wildfeeds for 'Lessons' are now available.



Dori's Spikefeed

Same Bat Time

The summary for 'Same Time, Same Place' is available at TV Guide online.

Same Time, Same Place 60 min. Buffy, Xander and Dawn are unable to find Willow (Alyson Hannigan), whose return to Sunnydale is marred by a demon (Camden Toy) who relishes the skin of his victims. Xander: Nicholas Brendon. Anya: Emma Caufield. Dawn: Michelle Trachtenberg. Spike: James Marsters. Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar.

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