September 19, 2002

SpoilerZone, Episode Titles


Wendy has updated the SpoilerZone, and it's includes updates on all the episodes through Episode 6. Which seems to have found a title, 'Him'. The sides for the Episode have also surfaced on the net. Which pretty much confirms the episode outline that I had received from one of my sources last week.

Here is Wendy's recap of Episode Six, plus info from some of the other episodes.

Episode 2:

Buffy goes back to the basement to look for Spike--but he's not there. This is before he shows up at her house to offer to help with the Worm.

Episode 3:

Spike and Willow also have a conversation, of sorts. It's clear from the conversation that Willow knows about Spike's soul. Willow is mainly concerned with finding out more about the dead body.

Also, Spike still has some snark left, even though he is still insane.

Episode 4:

Buffy goes to Spike for help finding out what's happening with Cassie, the psychic girl. Spike is still crazy and is saying he's bad. He starts hitting himself and Buffy stops him. He's getting confused about "hurting the girl"--he blames himself. He means Buffy, which is confusing to Buffy because she wants to know who's going to hurt Cassie. When she starts to go away, he begs her not to leave, but she says she feels he's worse when she's there. As she leaves, he yells after her, "Don't hurt the girl!"--which he also says later when he rescues Buffy from the demon. And when Cassie sees him, she has something to say about his future: "Someday she'll tell you."

Episode 5:

Spike hallucinates that Buffy has come to help him get through his problems; the real Buffy shows up and tells him that he needs to get out of the basement because whatever is there is causing his problems. She also tells him that he has a fresh start with her.

Episode 6:
(this info is derived from casting sides and thus is subject to change)

Dawn has a crush on a high school football player. She finds herself in competition for his attention with other girls. She has a fight with one girl, and Buffy intervenes. Later, Buffy talks with the football player to tell him to behave more responsibly, but when he puts on his jacket, Buffy begins to have a different reaction to him; she begins to find him more physically attractive. Later, Buffy pulls him out of class ostensibly for a guidance consultation, but instead she brings him into a classroom to get to "know" him better.

Meanwhile, Xander and Spike work together, with plenty of snarky banter, to solve the problem of the football player's mysterious allure. They visit his brother, whom Xander remembers as being similarly charismatic. However, when they meet him, he is living in the basement of his parents' house and seems to be an underachiever. Xander and Spike figure out that the power of the spell is in the jacket, and they accost the football player and remove the coat from him.

Wendy did change the information on the title for Episode Five, there seems to have been some confusion over the episode title (and it might have been the working title at the time).


One of the bits of confirmation I was working on yesterday was the episode titles for three and four. One of my sources reported on this late last night, so I can confirm them at this point. I'm also going to be tweaking the rankings again on the Spoiler Slayer page to reflect some other info that has come in.

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