May 20, 2002

Monday Update - Some, But Not All, Wildfeeds

It appears that Leoff was unable to be on hand to see the Wildfeed this morning. However, it has been picked up in a couple of other places.

Herc has not released a review at this time, but Dori did post her SpikeFeed. It's very brief and it looks like my 'mysterious source' was completely full of it. Although the resolution of Spike's story is going to be something we will be speculating about all Summer.

Dori's SpikeFeed

The two Wildfeeds I did found originate at the Demens board, you can also find them posted at the Cross and Stake. I can't make any guarantees on what the traffic is going to do, so if the links go bad it's out of my hands.

Two To Go


Once Loey posts her Summary, I'll activate that link on the main page. I also expect that Herc will weigh in sometime during the course of the day as well.

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