April 13, 2002

Saturday Update - Slow News Day

Unlike a week or so ago, there really isn't any news breaking this weekend. I did see a little spoiler about the final scene for this season (Buffy smashing her headstone with a sledgehammer), but within a few minutes it was pretty much proven false. The thread might still be up at the Cross and Stake, but if it's not, just ignore the rumors if you hear them.

While I think most of us realize that the entire "Willow becomes a power conduit for Rack, Buffy kills a Rack, and Dawn goes off to foster care" are almost guaranteed to be false, they still seem to be floating around the net. So I've added them to the Spoiler Slayer page as being 'Highly Unlikely'.

Finally, those of you who have visited the Cross and Stake are probably familiar with 'The Bet'. I've been following along with some amusement and thought I would provide the link to the Official Site for those who may be interested. Now if someone would only start this up taking odds on the 'Reset/Reversal', I might actually sign on myself.

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