April 12, 2002

AM Update - Spoiler Zone, Harmony Thoughts

Spoiler Zone Updated

Wendy has updated the Spoiler Zone, and there are a few bits that I didn't have a chance to see. Both deal with the Location Shoot at the Arboretum. There isn't a lot there, but it would seem to deal with Willow's pursuit of the remaining Troika. I wouldn't rule out some kind of weird perception of reality, similar to what Willow experienced when she was high on magic before. I'm not saying that this could be an altered reality, wishverse, or illusion. But there has been a sub-theme to this season of things not appearing as they really are. I only bring this up because there does seem to be some highly-stylized scenery coming into play (even thinking back to the Willow/Xander location shoot where there seemed to be part of a destroyed building in the background).

Which could also explain the Harmony spoiler...

That Would Fit

Kay, a visitor to the site, wrote to me and suggested that Harmony could well be a part of Spike's 'Trial'. Which again had me slapping my forehead and going 'duh'. Just like in 'Crush', Spike might have to deal with both his past and current loves. Again, it would fit the sub-theme of this season as well.

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