April 06, 2002

Saturday Update - Bronze, Location Shoot, Cross and Stake

Bronze Fury

David Fury and Steven DeKnight stopped by the Bronze: Beta yesterday. The archive is now up. No spoilage, but Fury presented Episode Development 101. Also implied that they start working on Season Seven in a week or so. Which makes me wonder if they are going to do some early filming, since I don't recall them ever working on the next season at such an early date. Perhaps the season will end on a cliffhanger.

Grave In A Graveyard: Makes Sense

BBOvenGuy attempted to get a peek at a location shoot last night, but unfortunately could not find a vantage point where he could get a peek at the action. Quotes from the Kitten Board.

I've received word that the Buffy crew has been shooting at Rosedale Cemetery all day. They were originally scheduled to do a night shoot only, but now that's changed.

As I've said elsewhere, the Rosedale Cemetery is enclosed by a brick wall on three sides, so viewing is only practical on the north side, where there's a chainlink fence. I'm heading down there in a few minutes to see if I can see anything from there.

I might be able to get some information on the day shooting, but I have to confirm a couple of things first. Early indications were that the day shoot involved Buffy, Xander and Dawn. No word yet on whether the night shoot involves those three again or someone else.

Details to follow...


Alas, the Rosedale Cemetery continues to vex me...

They've got the light cranes so far up into the air and turned on so bright that you can see them from the Santa Monica Freeway as you exit at Normandie. Unfortunately, the lights were pretty much all I ended up seeing.

The shoot is going on almost in the exact center of the cemetery. I circled the place several times, and there were a few vantage points where I could see the reflective screens and balloons that they use at night, but nothing in the way of details about the shoot.

There's a chance that a few details might come my way over the next day or so, though. Keep your fingers crossed.


I did manage to find out a couple of things about the day shoot yesterday.

Action was centered around a large hole in the ground. Not a grave, but something deeper and more jagged in shape. Apparently Buffy and Dawn were down in the hole, and Xander was looking down and calling to them, then in another shot Buffy and Dawn came crawling out.

No more info at the moment, but if I hear anything I'll let you know.

Manna From Heaven

Angel X updated the Spoiler side of her site. She has also answered numerous questions on the board. I'm not going to post the Q & A just yet, I'll wait until she archives it (because it will be very long). For those who don't want to wait, I'm including the link to the thread.


Episode 21: NEW! The title is a clever little continuation from episode 20, where the last line of the episode is, "One down." I do not have much information on the season finale and I'm not going to report anything I don't get from my own sources.

Extra Spoilage

- Tara isn't the only one seriously wounded in this episode. Buffy is also shot in the chest (in episode 19, but 20 picks up immediately after the shooting) and rushed to the hospital. Doctors have a great deal of difficulty saving her and before they can fail, Buffy's rescued from (yet another) certain death by...Willow.

- Xander is with Buffy when she is shot and accompanies her to the hospital and (once she is healed) works at Buffy's side for most of the episode.

- Willow's good deed is rescuing Buffy at the hospital. This takes place at the hospital *after* she consumes an enormous amount of black magic, making it possible for her to save Buffy by literally removing the bullet from her friend's chest.

- After discovering that his aim was not quite so perfect and Buffy didn't actually die when he shot her, Warren desperately seeks help from Rack. The demonic dealer suggests Warren run like hell before Willow catches up with him and frightened, Warren demands magical assistance to help him escape. Rack agrees, but warns there isn't enough magic in the world to save the man from the witch's wrath.

- With her concerned friends in tow, Willow chases after Warren. She senses his presence on a bus leaving town and uses magic to intercept it. However, the Warren she sensed on that bus turns out to be a robot, which Willow strangles to the point of destruction. (Willow kills both the Warrenbot and the real Warren in this episode.)

- With everyone else out of the house, Dawn unfortunately goes into Willow's bedroom and finds Tara's body. After Buffy and Xander hear from Willow that Warren killed Tara when he tried to shoot Buffy, they return to the house to see for themselves, and find Dawn still there. (This eventually leads to Dawn going to Spike's crypt.)

- After Willow raids the Magic Shop (and consumes dark magic from books that turn her hair and eyes pitch black), Anya is rescued from one of Willow's spells (Anya's frozen in place, but not in an ice way) by Xander and Buffy. She indirectly reveals to both of them that she's returned to her vengeance demon roots and for Willow's sake, she agrees to lead the way to the dark witch. The three of them find Willow...but it's too late to stop her from killing Warren.

- Katrina (Warren's ex-girlfriend) is brought back in a walking-dead sense as a tool for Willow to use in her torment of Warren. (I'm not perfectly clear on whether Katrina's actual body is brought up from the grave or if it's just a vision of her dead body that is used. I suspect the actual body though.)

Link To The Q & A Thread

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