April 05, 2002

AM Update - Season Seven, SpoilerZone, Slate Article

Didn't Expect It This Early

Even though Season Six hasn't even finished filming, it seems that we've gotten our first batch of spoilers for Season Seven. Fraz posted the following at FanForum yesterday.

OK the gist of the info is that the beginning of season 7 has Spike not telling what happened to him in africa. So no one knows if he changed or not.

Info goes on and says that Spike begins kinda stalking Buffy again where she keeps thinking she senses him but turns around and he is not there.
But he does little sweet things like a secret admirer and Buffy has no clue that it is Spike. Never thinks of him that way but that she is likeing these little things the secret admirer is doing.

Also said that Giles is back and it has to do with the Magic box.

They didnt say anything about Willow and Tara other than the actress that plays Tara they have had her sign a contract her and the actor that plays Giles for a option of 13 episodes thru out Season 7.

Unfortunately, unlike the episode information, I can't back this spoilage up. She posts later to point out that both Amber and Anthony are supposed to have only signed options, not official contracts. I'm kind of up in the air about this information. On the one hand, I do trust the source. On the other, it seems strange to be running Spike on a completely different story arc through the end of this season and the beginning of the next. Which I'll get into a bit more this evening.

SpoilerZone Update

Wendy updated the SpoilerZone, and there are several bits which I haven't included on the page. Including two alternate takes on the shooting report, and some posts which seem to back up the spoilers for the finale.

Good Read

Slate published an article, 'Confessions of a Spoiler Whore', which delves into Buffy Spoiler Sites and the fans. It delves into the fan/writer interaction a bit, so it's definitely something to check out.

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