March 30, 2002

Saturday Update - Episode Info, Spoiler Zone, Update Info

Double-Dose Of Buffy Repeats

I can confirm that there will be a double-repeat on April 16th (Doublemeat Palace and Dead Things), which would fit the schedule that has cropped up in a few places. While it points to the validity of those spoilers (two-hour Season Finale), it is not a guarantee. But it's definitely looking to be the case.

Great Caesar's Ghost

Wendy updated the Spoiler Zone. The only bit that I haven't covered was the info that Caesar posted at the Kitten Board (which, by the way, has relocated - you can still get there via the link on the Slayer Home page).

When Spike returns from Africa without his chip Buffy is forced into making a heart wrenching decision.

Other then the Buffy/Spike spoilers I don’t have much info about Willow in episode 21 and 22. What I did find was that they are spending a fortune on those two episodes. Presumably, much of it will be spent on special effects. Meaning that it is fairly safe to say that Willow will be conjuring up some powerful magic in those two episodes. I will have some real information pertaining to Willow and hopefully more info on Buffy and Spike to share in about a week.

The reason I didn't mention them at the time, is that I didn't feel it brought much new to the table. Obviously when Spike returns, Buffy is going to be forced into a making a decision. It's also a safe bet, from the shooting location report alone, that there will be lots of FX and Magic flying in the final two episodes (and to be honest, has there been a Season Finale that hasn't). But I agree with Wendy that this source bears watching.

Taking A Spoiler Break

I've decided that from today through April 2nd (Tuesday), I'm not going to make any changes to the Spoiler Slayer page. I think most of us already expect that April Fool's day will bring out a boatload of false spoilers. While I get a kick out of them, I really don't want to add to the confusion.

However, if a trusted source (AICN, The Spoiler Zone, The Cross and Stake, etc) posts something during this time, I will be sure to mention it in the Updates. If the source is unknown, I'm going to hold off until Wednesday.

Final note: Steven DeKnight posted at the Bronze: Beta today, I'll have his comments tomorrow as usual.

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