March 26, 2002

AM Update - TeenMag, Wanda

We Spellz Gud

The following appeared at I expect spelling errors when I surf the Buffy boards, I even make a few of my own from time to time. However, it's pretty surprising to see one this obvious from a popular print magazine. While the spoilage is relatively accurate, I'm still not buying the 'Dawn is taken into foster care' bit just yet.

More "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" news: It's a definite that Anya becomes a demon again, and her first revenge victim, duh, is Xander, who left her heartbroken at the altar. More "Buffy" bits: the next new episode is April 23's "Entrophy," in which Anya unleashes her vengeance, followed by episode 19 on April 30, which is the one where--according to that persistent rumor--Tara may bite the dust, and episode 20 on May 7, in which Willow turns to the dark side and Giles returns with a surprise--and not necessarily a good one--for Buffy. And now for the NEW RUMOR I'm hearing this week: In the season finale in May, things will have gotten so out-of-control for the Scoobies that Dawn will be taken away from Buffy and put into foster care!
A 'YAMI' I'm Looking Forward To Reading

Wanda only had one 'Buffy' question in her weekly chat, but it hints at good things coming Friday.

From blaunew: I'm such a wreck over that last Buffy episode. Are we all supposed to think it's a hallucination? I can NOT believe they would turn my favorite heroine into a perverse dream.

I feel ya, honey, and Friday's column will address that question. I was able to get Buffy's head honcho Marti Noxon on the horn last week and prodded her for all she's worth. So stay tuned.

You have to give her props. When it comes to the Season Finale, her track record isn't bad at all. It will be interesting to see if she manages to pry anything out of Marti.

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