March 22, 2002

PM Update - Episode Information, Talkback Info

It's still very quiet, although I can confirm that 'Gone' will be airing on April 9th.

Just one other thing I wanted to mention.

I'm still backlogged with e-mail (things will be better once I finish Systems/Operations training at work in about a week or so), so I can't promise that replies will be forthcoming anytime soon.

Since the majority of the e-mail that I have been getting falls outside of the 'Talkback' guidelines, I thought I would repost them for reference.

Questions About The Show: While I do track spoilers, I don't have the time to pay attention to minor details like 'Which Rock Group Played The Song In X Episode?' or 'What Is All This Talk About 7-3-0?' Most of this information can be found on most of the major message boards either after the episode airs or in the weeks preceding the airing. If you don't find the answer to your question, you will be more likely to receive a prompt answer by posting on one of those sites.

Speculation: While I do enjoy reading other speculation and theories about the show, the sheer amount that I have been receiving makes it impossible to address every letter. Everyone has their own ideas about who the 'Big Bad' or 'Big Scooby Death' might be, all coming from many different angles. Again, the best place to discuss and receive feedback on your ideas are the message boards.

Requests For Spoilers: Believe it or not, everything I know about upcoming episodes or spoilery information is posted on the site. I still get several requests daily from fans begging me to tell them 'Who Is Going To Die' or 'Will Buffy and Spike Ever Get Back Together'. I have no official standing or affiliation with the Writers and Producers of the show. All I know is what I come across while searching the sites, message boards, and mailing lists devoted to the show. If I hear something, you'll be the first to know.

Hoping some good spoilage will surface this weekend.

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