March 18, 2002

AM Update - No News, Quick Comment

Note to the Mailing List: It looks as if Yahoo! Groups is back and working, so I'll be posting all the information passed along this weekend to this list this evening. Including this update, because I don't want to confuse those who are getting the news via e-mail and haven't read the speculation yet.

The Partyman dropped me a line, with an interesting take on a possible way to return Tara without using a 'reset'. He suggested that Troika technology could be used not to 'reverse time', but to pluck someone out of the past and bring them to the present. After reading his letter I also realized that the Scoobies don't need Troika technology to do this, this was essentially done by Anya and Willow in 'Doppelgangland'. While I still have doubts about any hopes for Tara's return (remember, Herc did state that there would be no resurrection involved with the Big Scooby Death, but then again he also said it would be at the hands of a demon), it certainly would solve the entire 'character growth' problem that a 'reset or reversal' would present.

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