March 14, 2002

AM Update - Cross and Stake, Upcoming Shoot

You Go Girlfriend

There was an interesting post at the Cross and Stake, in regards to the entire 'Spike and Anya' spoiler.

I just got emailed part of the script, in it Xander is drunk in a bar and says that "One of my girlfriends is sleeping with a vampire". I guess this is where the confusion came from.

I am pretty sure he is taking about Buffy, because if he was taking about Anya wouldn't he say "my girlfriend is sleeping with a vampire."

Interesting, but I believe that the entire Spike/Anya spoiler is coming from several scenes in that episode. I still think that's it's a strong possibility that the Spike/Anya thing is happening.

Shooting Blanks - A Little Too Ironic

BBOvenGuy managed to score info on another Location Shoot, posting this info at the Kitten Board.

Another bit of info from my new contact with the password to the eidc shoot sheet:


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