March 10, 2002

Sunday Update - Posting Information, DeKnight, More On The BSD

The Real Me

While surfing this morning, I did notice that someone decided to post some spoilage at the UPN Bronze using the name 'spoilerslayer1'. Although most of you realized that I would never post spoilage on my own, there was enough confusion that I feel it warrants a mention.

Under no circumstance, will I ever post spoilage or spoilers that have been e-mailed to me personally. If it's confirming other spoilage, then I might be the first to post the official confirmation (ala the description of 'Normal Again'). However, if you ever see a post with 'X Happens in Episode Y to character Z', it's more than likely not from me.

I also will never post as the Spoiler Slayer (or any variation on that theme). If I do post on any message boards, it will always be under the name of 'Tensai'. If you are unsure, remember that anything I do discuss will at least be sent out via the mailing list, if not posted to the site before I talk about it on the message board.

Oh What A DeKnight

As I'm doing this update, Steven DeKnight has just swung through the Beta Bronze. I'll post the archive and any comments I might have on his visit tomorrow. However, he has named the writers for the last three episodes. It's going to be Marti Noxon on 20, Doug Petrie on 21, and David Fury on 22.

More From Angel X

Angel X has now posted official spoilage on the Big Scooby Death and Big Bad sequence. It's in the Extra Spoilage section of her spoiler page.

Ep: 20.

General Note: I know these may sound unbelievable and when you hear about everything else in the episodes, it'll all sound unbelievable. But I have zero reason to doubt my source or the information. I am doing even more checking just to find an explanation for the nature of all this info...but I still stand behind it. If I'm wrong, I'll admit so and throw a party for everyone. But, I have no reason to think the info is wrong.

NEW! Sadly, the Scooby Gang member who is fatally wounded is Tara. She is accidentally shot by a stray bullet intended for Buffy. Warren is responsible. Willow tries to bring her back, but is unsuccessful. As a result, Willow is guided by her rage into dark magic. She consumes every possible element of it that she can and seeks the necessary revenge on Tara's killer. At her hands, Warren suffers terribly and is killed. (The actual event of Tara getting shot should occur in episode 19, but I don't specifically what happens. The ending of the episode should be a big cliffhanger and picks up immediately with episode 20. I have no information that says these events are permanent changes, but I also have no information that says they aren't. As always, you'll be kept informed.)

NEW! The big bad of the season? Willow. Sure, Warren can easily be considered the big bad up until episode 20, but Willow quickly takes his place. And since Warren doesn't survive ep 20... there's no telling what she can do in later eps. After losing Tara, she loses all reason to stay away from magic. Although initially, she does a very good deed, she is later blinded by the desire for vengeance. No one (and as you'll see, nothing) is able to stop her.

My Head Hurts, How About Yours

Again, although I'm still not doing any speculation just yet (don't worry, I've already got half a page filled with notes), I would point out at how we have tiny bits that match what I would consider to be false spoilage. This does not validate all of the spoilage that these people have posted. I have gone back and checked, and while some of these 'false spoilers' have a nugget or two of truth buried within, there are some other statements that appear to be completely false.

For example, along with the rumor that the Troika go to jail for the murder of Katrina and robbery, that source claimed that Willow and Tara would reconcile in Episode 19 and take it slow. That goes directly against sources, which point to this happening in Episode 18. This was also mixed in with Buffy disinviting Spike from multiple locations and other things that just didn't make sense.

It is crucial that we don't jump to conclusions. It's easily to speculate or elaborate based on things that are being said. I've heard that the Spike/Anya tryst is witnessed on camera, on tape, and in person. Not to mention theories that have it being doctored tape, a Spike or Anya robot, even a simple misunderstanding (i.e.: Anya just crashed at Spike's crypt, but nothing happened). However, Angel X and other credible Spoiler Sources haven't even mentioned this spoiler. It's tied to the BSD and the 'Big Bad' spoilers being posted on certain message boards, but until I hear something from a solid source, it's staying ranked as 'possible'.

There have also been some pretty wild spoilers talked about this weekend as well. One of which was 'Spike goes to Africa to be de-chipped'. I'm still trying to find the source of that one, but it has been picked up and there is talk that this is what the location shoot will be on the 12th. Which could be interesting, except for one minor problem. The time of the shoot is scheduled for daylight hours. Doesn't seem like the best time for a chipped vampire to be visiting Africa. This is what I'm trying to say, too much is being read into these spoilers, and I think there is a lot of overreacting.

Let's not forget, we're going to have the Wildfeed for 'Normal Again' in a few hours, and a new episode on Tuesday. After that airs, we'll have plenty of time to sort through and speculate on this latest batch of spoilers. Other Spoiler Sources will likely check in with either further confirmation or more spoilers. For now, I think we should just sit back and see how things unfold.

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