February 28, 2002

PM Update - Wedding Clip, False Spoilers, Buffy Formula, Angel Book

You're Invited

The Wedding promo is up at Buffy.com. If you signed up for the UPN mailing list, you've probably received your invitation already. If not, you can see the invitation at the site.

Move Along, There's Nothing To See Here

A couple of posts with what are claimed to be spoilers appeared at Fan Forum. One was deleted because it was in the wrong thread, the other is posted in an odd spot. I wouldn't give these a second thought, since the poster only signed up at FF today. This late in the game, I have a feeling that there will be a lot of wild speculation being passed off as Spoilage. I'd also expect that if someone was handing out inside information, they wouldn't worry about something being too secret.

Ok so heres what I got from a source I have met and know personally! she might lie but i doubt it! she said, (or he for identity purposes!) this she knows is going to happen! *buffy refuses to let her friends death pass so easily, and plays a little game herself, but also has the big bad to deal with... *the big bad isn't really revealed until ep20, but buffy doesn't come into combat with him or her or them until ep21! *like most people have wanted, their is a big scooby death, and like good sources have said, there is no resurrection. something else brings this scoob back, causing problems for s7.

*anya and xander are reconciled by something or someone

*buffys afterlife is a major issue in the last couple of eps.

okay, youre probably thinking, how do i know this one? well topic of the writers for long time. the last scene of the season has one character crying.

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