February 02, 2002

AM Update - Steven DeKnight Posts

As promised, Steven DeKnight's posts at the Bronze are now archived. The comment I find most interesting is this one...

Buffy’s going to start being nicer to Spike when he stops being an evil dead vampire guy with a chip in his head making him play nice. He’s evil, I tells ya! Evil! Seriously, it’s a complicated relationship. These things take time. Sometimes they end well, sometimes you get a stake in the heart.

Which is what I was hinting at the other day when I said I think that they are working towards something with Spike. Not sure entirely what, but it's going to represent a major change in his character. The odds in my opinion is that there is going to be some kind of redemption, what exactly it will be I'm not sure. I don't think this has any connection to the theories of a twin or Spike somehow becoming human. Why? Because they need Spike for his strength, having a human 'Spike' arrive on the scene will only create the same problems that a human Angel or 'Initiative Gadget-free' Riley did. In order for both the Scoobies and us to really believe he's changed, I think the chip needs to come out or be nullified. If that happens, and Spike remains the same as he is now, then that would really go a long way to solving much of the Spike/Buffy issue. Which is why I think the writer's seem to enjoy pointing out that he's evil. The Buffy/Spike thing can't work because he is 'evil', so the simple solution is that you prove that he's not. They've already done this once with Angel, although they took a 'good' guy and made him 'evil'. Anything's possible in the Buffy-verse, and I just don't see Spike going bad again.

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