January 30, 2002

PM Update - Crawford Street Update, Angel X Tidbit, TV Guide Info

Sorry this is a bit late, Buffy ends right as I'm supposed to be posting. With the ability to pause, slo-mo, and other fun stuff with a Tivo, it usually ends up that I'm not finished with the episode until 9:15 or so.

Have I already mentioned that I would kill to have a 'DoubleMeat Palace' hat.

KC updated the Crawford Street Mansion. According to what's been posted, not only is Halfrek the one responsible for breaking up the wedding, she also happens to be a he. Umm, Okay. I'll work on getting some of the spoilage into the Spoiler Slayer page tomorrow.

Angel X posted a General Season Six tidbit, not really spoilery.

Amy makes an appearance in "Doublemeat Palace," but Rack is not likely to return and Amy's last appearance on good terms with Willow is in 12.

In addition to the 'DoubleMeat Palace' hat, I also wonder where I pick up a shirt like the one Spike wore tonight. Very cool, even under the flourescent lighting.

I'll also try to have my comments about the episode tomorrow night as well. As I stated earlier, it's a busy week.

Oops, almost forgot...

TV Guide has the episode description for 'Older And Far Away'

Older and Far Away 60 min. Lonely Dawn feels like the odd-girl out when the Scooby Gang throws a party in honor of Buffy's birthday, leading to a fateful wish that leaves the Slayer and her friends in a fix. Clem: James C. Leary. Richard: Ryan Browning. Sophie: Laura Roth. Hallie: Kali Rocha. Dawn: Michelle Trachtenberg. Willow: Alyson Hannigan. Tara: Amber Benson. Buffy: Sarah Michelle Gellar. Spike: James Marsters.

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