January 23, 2002

AM Update - All Quiet

AM Update - All Quiet On The Spoiler Front, Request for Artwork

Again, no real spoilage to report. It's been a very slow week, with little coming out since the information about the Wedding. I'm hoping that there will be new spoilage in time for the weekend, or at least sometime during.

Since it's slow, I thought I would throw out a request. My artistic skills are sadly lacking, and I while I would love to have some artwork for a logo, I simply can't come up with anything that looks halfway decent. If there is someone out there interested in doing a small graphic which I could use on the site: for logos, buttons, etc, I'd definitely be interested. However, because of copyright issues and such

  • I don't want anything photographic in nature
  • It can't have any copyrighted characters
  • It should be colorful
  • It should look good at small resolutions 100 x 100 and large 400 x 400
Basically, I'm looking for something similar in quality to the characters used on Ain't It Cool News (Herc in his wheelchair, the Vincent-Pricey Moriarty, etc). Something much more punchy than either a simple pencil sketch or colored pencil sketch (If you're into Webcomics, think Penny Arcade).

That's it for now.

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