January 19, 2002

AM Update - Steven DeKnight

AM Update - Steven DeKnight at the Bronze, Herc at the Kitten

Steven DeKnight's posts are up at the Bronze VIP Archive.

- Can’t say much about Willow. Her magic addiction has actually been building up for the past two season, and came to a head in Marti’s episode. All I can say is that Willow is in recovery, and recovery is never easy.

- I’ll say only this about nekkid Spike: Dead Things. Honey Biscuit.

- The diamond is actually cubic Zarconium. We’ve got a two-episode arc coming up centering around this. Lot’s of fun. Just like my ep.

The Spike reference is obviously in part about his Wedding Date. I think the big concern is his comments about Willow and the diamond. I didn't get the diamond reference at first, because it looked to be an answer about a comment on how much money the diamond was worth. Then I saw another poster, who brought up that it was strange Willow didn't mention it. The second concern is his comment about a two-episode arc centering on it, I haven't seen anything that would indicate a two-parter yet (along the lines of 'Smashed' and 'Wrecked'). You would think that maybe this would tie into the rumor that the Wedding will be a two-part episode, but the second half of the comment kind of nixes that. 'Lot's of fun. Just like my ep.', means that it's not going to likely be two episodes played for comedy. Unless something major happens at the end of the Wedding, it kind of points to something later down the line. Besides, it might be an expensive diamond, but it's also one with 'mystical' properties. With Angel X making reference to Willow's secret stash, this begins to get more and more disturbing.

Which is not helped by Herc's response to a post at the Kitten Board.

BBOvenGuy: Personally, I think Willow has most likely passed the worst part of her darkness. Hercules The Strong: I disagree. Care to place a wager?
While there's no way to verify that it's actually him, it certainly sounds like Herc. It also fits in with things he's been saying all along, that Willow is a prime candidate to be a 'Big Bad' (which he discussed again just a week ago in the Wedding Spoilers talkback). Let's not forget that Willow had more than a couple of dark 'Don't Mess With The Witch' moments, even before Tara left. That has never really been touched on and it makes me wonder if we shouldn't keep reminding ourselves about it. However, from everything I've seen, this won't come into play until much later in the season.

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